Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

Period Is it the end of a sentence? Sometimes it is. It is not the end.  But for a lot of people the bleeding is not the end,  the menstrual cycle, is just that. It repeats every 28 days. That is a month. So people that menstruate think about this for many days. Or...


Compassion Compassion is a response to the suffering of others, that motivates a desire to help them, says Wikipedia. The information we are faced with daily, if not hourly is overwhelming. If compassion is something you have in abundance, it may be hard for you to...


Vulnerability You are already good at being vulnerable. You were good at it since the day you were born.  We may view it as a strength in others but a weakness in ourselves. Vulnerability is tricky. Everyday Vulnerability  When are you vulnerable during the day? In...