#Me Too Increasing Anxiety and Depression
It is October 2017 and we have a lot to consider. All of these “things” were happening. By things I mean racism, sexism, ableism, and many many more “isms”. Social media may be making all of this more difficult for you. Hopefully, awareness has increased and we are able to acknowledge what we need to work on personally and socially.
The #MeToo Movement
Did you post something using #MeToo? Did you read something by someone you know who used #MeToo? If so, it may have brought up many emotions for you. People have experiences and they generally do not forget them, especially if they are traumatic. Will we move on to the next issue without exploring what this is?
Sexual Harassment
Are we surprised that a lot of people have been impacted by sexual harassment? For some it is, for others it is not a surprise. Still, many others will not share their stories. To read statistics about sexual violence see RAIN. Safety and prevention information, recovery and reporting information is also included on the RAIN website.
If #Me Too is Increasing Anxiety and Depression
If the energy behind this important movement is causing you increased anxiety and depression, please reach out. See these resources. If they are not a good fit for you, please speak to a friend, family member, loved one, counselor or peer.