Anxiety & Optimism, 2017

by | Jan 6, 2017 | Anxiety, Courage, Depression, Reflection, Self Care | 2 comments

Anxiety in 2017

I am crossing paths with folks that are feeling optimistic about 2017. They have experienced a great deal of anxiety during 2016 and are hoping that it is a thing of the past. I believe we must honor the spirit of optimism and understand what leads us to value it.

Anxiety & Optimism

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy  teaches us that we can carry both with us. Anxiety and optimism can co exist. We do not have to extract the anxiety from our lives in order to feel optimistic.  Helen Keller said “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.” She is an inspiring individual for sure, but what if we feel anxious and we forget to consider optimism?

How to Maintain Optimism While Feeling Anxious

It would be great to not give in to the overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Some have suggested that they can tell their minds “to not be anxious” and their anxiety goes away.  I am glad to hear folks have coping mechanisms to manage anxiety, but sometimes we need more. Reaching out to someone can be a way to build optimism. When a family member, friend or even a stranger is kind to us, it can be a reminder to feel optimistic, even in times of great anxiety.

Check out this cartoon.

Optimism vs. Anxiety, Which One Wins?

I say both optimism and anxiety can exist within us.  We are encouraged by society to “view the glass as half full.” If we are unable, it is okay, optimism may return. If you are finding that it is not, please reach out to the numbers below.  Remember: asking for help is not a weakness, it is a strength and I find optimism in the thought of us supporting each other.

  • Colorado Crisis phone number is 844-493-8255
  • National Suicide Hotline is 800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line

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