Finding the Light in the Darkness

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Anxiety, Depression, Reflection, Seasons, Self Care | 2 comments

Finding the Light in the Darkness

We are asked to find light in darkness every day it seems. Difficult news keeps coming our way. How are we able to maintain hope when there seems to be so much suffering?

Winter Solstice

We are moving toward Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. It is on December 21, 2016 the shortest period of daylight of the year. We will have 9 hours, 21 minutes and 14 seconds of daylight. The next day December 22, 2016 we will have 9 hours, 21 minutes and 17 seconds of daylight.

Learn about the solstice here.

Small Steps

This is a very small change. When it is dark and cold outside, it may discourage us from leaving the house, leading to increased isolation and feelings of sadness. We know, however, that changes tend to happen in small increments. It is important to remember what steps we have accomplished and how we can continue moving forward, toward the light.

Finding the Light

In the picture below, the light creates a shadow. It brings to mind the quote by Austin O’Malley, “When walking through the ‘valley of shadows,’ remember, a shadow is cast by a Light”.

Some suggestions for “finding light” during a difficult times are: sitting near the sunlight, going outside, keeping hydrated, take a warm bath, drink a cup of tea, get out your favorite blanket and spending time with friends and family that you feel safe with.

You are the Light

If you are not finding relief from the darkness, please reach out for help and support. If you are able to talk to someone you trust, please do so. Call a friend, go for a walk or face time with someone that is a support to you.  If someone were to ask you for help, I suspect you would be willing to support them. Phone #’s to call:

  • Colorado Crisis phone number is 844-493-8255
  • National Suicide Hotline is 800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line
  • Trevor Project serves lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth.


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